Monde des petits - Ten in the bed

Autres comptines

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Ten in the bed

Les paroles de la comptine

There were ten in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were nine in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were eight in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were seven in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were six in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were five in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were four in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were three in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There were two in a bed
And the little one said
"Roll over, roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out.

There was one in a bed
And the little one said
"Good night!"

En savoir plus:
Cette petite comptine anglaise permettra aux plus jeunes d'apprendre les chiffres en anglais.
D’autres comptines anglaises sont disponibles sur ce site.
L’enfant pourra notamment apprendre les parties du corps grâce à la comptine Head shoulders knees and toes et apprendre les membres de la famille grâce à la comptine The Finger family

« Monde des petits » propose une traduction française de "ten in the bed":
Il y en avait dix dans un lit
Et le petit a dit
"Retournez-vous, retournez-vous !"
Ils se sont tous retournés
Et un est tombé.
Il y en avait un dans un lit
Et le petit a dit
"Bonne nuit !"

Paroles et partitions

Paroles_Ten in the bedPartition_Ten in the bed